Re-Introducing DomePath: version 0.13

DomePath is a tool to assist animation with the E&S Virtual Projector plugin for After Effects. I’ve just updated it to version 2. (Well, version 0.13, which is one one-hundredth better, I guess, There are actual improvements. Really.)

The short description: Virtual Projector places images on the dome master based on polar coordinates. That’s the natural and obvious way to do it, but if you want to fly an image from, say, northwest to southeast, crossing the zenith, there’s no good way to do that. You can only fly in spirals around the zenith.

DomePath fixes this by converting the x-y coordinates of a null object to the polar coordinates that Virtual Projector expects. Animate your null object wherever you want and Virtual Projector will follow.

Read more and download here.

Next step for me: seeing if I can get this to work with other dome-warping plugins like Navegar Fulldome. Please let me know if you have another plugin and are willing to help.